The info that you have been sending … provides us with the true and correct facts about this pandemic. And in this situation that can be a LIFE SAVING. So thanks so much for providing the facts. …
Poor people, women, minorities, and immigrants have had to wear many “mask” all our lives… America is now forced to wear a “mask” that it never thought it would have to wear. The mask of vulnerability and shame is a mask America is now forced to wear, and it should…

“A particularly astonishing contradiction of this system it likes to propagate is the belief that it is the greatest country in the world. While the U.S. has the largest economy in the world, why is there a major lack of resources—i.e. medical supplies and the whole health care infrastructure—to alleviate the spread of covid-19 throughout the world?”

…A lot of people are going to suffer even worse miseries because the necessities of life are privately owned and produce for capital gain. So the response to this emergency will be under the confines and limited to commodity and capital relations. A capitalist-run society does not care if people are dying or if they will go hungry or without basic life necessities…

Humans made this system of capitalism. Humans organized society around that system. It’s Humans that are upholding that system, for their own personal interest. If that’s the case, Humans can change such system, we can organize society differently, this time to better serve humanity and the Planet. It’s not some omnipotent being that enacted these ‘facts’ of life. It’s not a law of nature that organized society the way it is today. It’s Humans. So if it’s humans that did it, we can undo it and Place Something better. We as Humans have the Power to do so”….

If Trump is reelected he will carry out his promises to drive out Mexicans, to round up Muslims, to stop-and-frisk and murder Black people, ban abortion, build more walls on the border, take away the rights of gays and transgender people. To beat, imprison, and torture protesters and revolutionaries, and to murder the families of those suspected of “terrorism.” Intimidate the press. Wage war on those who cross him. Spew hatred and degradation at every opportunity. Set the environment on an even more headlong path to devastation and ruin.

“Living through that sh** caused me to take a self-inventory. A comrad shortly after introduced me to BA [Bob Avakian – PRLF], which I admit, I went in to his work with a mind already rejecting the concept of communism I was wrongfully educated to believe. But, I grappled with it first, then myself, and then back with it, and myself again…It's sophisticated, yet its broken down to understand…it requires your reasoning and involves the masses, individuals, to take it on and participate in its fruition. The next generation needs our involvement in this model of Revolutionary change…”