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...use Black History month to focus on uniting, not just with Blacks, but with oppressed people all over the world,…

IL, Jan 27, 2020

“On Black History month
“1926 Carter G. Woodson started Black History week as a celebration for a Black population that was being marginalized and oppressed. He felt it was important that Black people define themselves and celebrate there accomplishments, in the face of a society that often portrayed Blacks like animals, and around a half century later it was extended to a whole month.
“Now Black History month is celebrated in a few ways. Most often we celebrate the month by doing exactly what this country wants us to do, and thats by shining a spotlight on the few Blacks who have ‘made it’ and reached the American Dream of either being accepted by the elite, or by becoming rich, all done while we ignore the overwhelming majority who suffer under this fascist and imperialist country.
“We also celebrate the so called legal victorys, like the 13th amendment which was suppose to abolish slavery; the civil rights act of 1964; the voters rights act of 1965; affirmative action; which are all slowly being chipped away as we speak.
“Finally Black History month has become a big commercial win for the system. They have restaurant discounts, Walmart deals, and special Nike shoes and clothes, all designed for you to celebrate by spending all your money and strengthening the very same capitalist system that is oppressing us every single day.
“I recently read that in February 1919 W.E.B. DuBois convened the first Pan African Congress to urge black people globally to unite and fight against european imperialism. Black people worldwide need to regain that same purpose and use Black History month to focus on uniting, not just with Blacks, but with oppressed people all over the world, to fight an even more brutal and refined form of American Imperialism. And with that being said I'm going to end this with a quote from the Basics: Ch2 A whole New - and Far Better - World #11: ‘put the advance of the world revolution above everything, even above the advance of the revolution in the particular country - build the socialist state as above all a base area for the world revolution.’”

“What is really worth living and Dying for?”

"We must stop Trump before he can be reelected"