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“Can you not see how a capitalist-run society makes such emergencies (like this epidemic) even worse!”

From Texas, mid-March 2020

To the Comrades at PRLF & Revcom.

It’s times like these where it’s important to further AMP-UP agitation out there in the streets. From what I hear when I get in contact with the world. This epidemic crisis has caused food shortages, there’s a shortage of toilet paper, can foods and other important necessities. It’s getting difficult for stores to meet demand, they might close their doors soon. Slowly and docilely this crisis is causing industry and production to come to a halt. I don't know comrades, but I think that there’s a wave coming, one we must not miss the opportunity to catch.

Of course, I'm not in no way advocating a pre-mature uprising, we might not have enough people and resources on our side for that at the moment. But I am advocating for a further amp-up in agitation. Cause as this crisis gets worse, this fascist government will be too incompetent to handle the crisis properly. People will begin to question the legitimacy of the government. We must harness that and be ready to lead the people. Best believe the reaction of this fascist government will be wild and erratic. Thus, further fertilizing the ground for Revolution.

On another note, I was watching what the reactionaries on Fox news were saying about the situation, and of course, they were praising the president for his little speech on friday. (You know the one where he is getting himself in position to come out as a “Savior” of the country LOL.) But what got my attention the most was when they began praising the corporations (Walmart, CVS, etc.) for how they have been handling and “helping” in the crisis. Then the reactionary (Hannity) began praising the capitalist-market system for being able to handle this situation properly.

To me, it sounded like they were trying to convince themselves. Because when you actually take a look at what’s really going on out there, NO, things are not being handled right as they should. This system of capitalism-imperialism is limiting a lot of things that could be done, that should be done to properly handle a dire situation like this. OK, so the U.S. government is pledging a couple million dollars to combat this crisis, well doesn’t one cruise missile or predator drone cost a couple million, but they got no problem making a bunch of those, money is nowhere near an issue when it comes to making their instruments of death. Yet there’s a lot of people who will go without water, food, toiletries and other essential items under this crisis, either cause they can't afford it or because stores can't meet demand, leaving the fate of a bunch of people in the hands of capital and corporations. It’s what the system of capitalism has dictated for society.

What I'm trying to get at is. The way the reactionaries were praising the corporations and the capitalist market system lets me know that even they have to try hard to convince you and themselves that everything is OK under this system.

The cracks in the system have always been there for everyone to see, this crisis only further exposes them. I know people have to see it. The question is, how will we communists help in leading the people to realize that things don't have to be like this, that there’s another way and that yes we know how to get there and what it takes to get there.

A Revolution and nothing less!

Just thought I'd share that with y'al .Keep up the good fight comrades!


Take this Coronavirus situation. How is it being handled in a capitalist society? Capitalist/Imperialist society does not take the well-being of human life serious. Its set up to only care about capital and commodity relations. How is it that under such dire emergencies, stores are running out of water, toilet paper, & food. All that surplus and stores can't meet demand? Is it not profitable enough for them? And why is such relation set up like that anyway? Why must society rely on private corporations (Walmart, CVS, etc.) for such necessities. So basically if you have no money to buy emergency goods, you just fucked. And even if you do have money, its useless since store shelves remain empty since they can't “meet demand” and will instead rather close its doors.

Can you not see how a capitalist-run society make such emergencies (like this epidemic) even worse! A lot of people are going to suffer even worse miseries because the necessities of life are privately owned and produce for capital gain. So the response to this emergency will be under the confines and limited to commodity and capital relations. A capitalist-run society does not care if people are dying or if they will go hungry or without basic life necessities.

Does it not make you angry that that’s the way this society is ran. Does it not concern you that you live in a society that’s set-up not to care for the well being of humans. A few “comforting” words from the “President” is not enough. People are dying and will continue to suffer unless we, as the masses of people take to the streets, stomp-down and demand change, a change in President is not enough. We need an overall change in the way society is organized. We need to do away with this system of capitalism that sees no value in human life.

I understand, disasters happen, epidemics happen, it’s the way of the world. Humans have been battling the elements since forever. The problem lies in how we as a people, respond to it. I know for a fact that, had we been living in a true Socialist Society, a real Communist Society, where the means of production are socially owned. Where the necessities of life are produced for the betterment and well being of humankind and not for profiting! The response to such emergencies as the one we face today would be different. There wouldn't be a price tag on dealing with emergencies, vaccines wouldn't be cost an arm and a leg. Hospital visits won't leave you in debt. Relations in society wouldn't consist of commodity and capital relations. Under communism, it would be OVERstood! that humankind comes first!

“This virus has knocked amerikkka off its ‘high-horse’...as it has exposed the underlying workings of this system…”

“What is really worth living and Dying for?”