Why do Democrats refuse to call it what it is? A fascist takeover of the American institutions of government. The Democrats may acknowledge the white-supremacy; they acknowledge that they are domestic terrorists and neo-nazis. But why do they refuse to acknowledge what we face here? FASCISM
Because doing so would acknowledge the scientific acquired fact that the system of capitalism/imperialism, by its nature/machinations and its profound inherent contradictions will ultimately give rise to a fascist form of rule, the open brutal dictatorship of the ruling capitalist class, a ruthless form of capitalist rule, to compensate and alleviate their stitched up, mortally wounded capitalist economy, turning the blood suckin vampire system, into a cannibalistic, mindless, rampaging zombie. Some pet cemetery shit, reviving what should of ultimately been left for dead and replaced.
The Democrats refuse to call it fascism because they refuse to let go of their beloved capitalist system. They know what it is. Trust me, its screaming in their heads. It was felt in their hearts when these fascist thugs stormed the Capitol building with murderous intentions. Denying a very real fascist threat is a deadly mistake. One that would sadly have lethal consequences.
The Democrats know that by telling the masses that they have a genocidal fascist controlling the levers of power of one of the most strongest-nuclear totting imperialist country in the world would be uttering the Death Sentence of their capitalist economic system, and the break-up of their cherished unholy union of states.
No decent human being the world over will accept the second coming of the Nazi Reich, wrapped in an American flag and a Christian cross. The resistance to this in the United States would increase ten-fold, uniting people from all walks of life across the country and internationally to oppose and openly resist a literal mutated clone of the Third Reich. The Democrats will try to direct the narrative away from questioning their system, and blame this political upheaval as limited to the workings of a single individual supposedly influencing and warping the minds of certain sections of people through manipulating their misguided sentiments, bringing about an “anomaly” in the country, somehow separated from what is the essence of the United States and “not” representing the U.S.
Scientific analysis of the historical development of societies and how they tend to develop under certain modes of production (economic system) will prove otherwise. And the historical development of American capitalist society had to be taken into account of, in how conditions in society evolved into the contradictions we find ourselves confronted with today. That Trump, although a major actor in this drama did not bring fascism to America, but America’s fascist inclinations welcomed him with open arms. …