May 9, 2015
Dear revolutionary comrades,
Bob Avakian’s BAsics is the most politically instructive work written for the common lay person I have read in the past 25 years of reading and studying political history and theory. It is a priceless addition to the body of revolutionary work and needs to be read by every intelligent and open-minded person looking for a more equitable and just world. Even if one doesn’t agree with all his conclusions, the general history and analysis of the U.S. capitalist-imperialist juggernaut is unimpeachable.
It is truly imperative all progressive and revolutionary-minded people come together and support the R.C.P.’s and P.R.L.F’s fund drive to get a copy of BAsics into the hands of every politically and culturally disenfranchised person—that’s you!—in America. The only antidote to capital’s lies is the straight dope contained in books like BAsics, and if you won’t help, who will?
If not now, when?
Get with the Revolution!